Colorectal Cancer Board2024-08-07T14:59:20+00:00

Colorectal Cancer Board

Taipei Cancer Center is home to many of the leading physicians specializing in the treatment of colorectal cancer. These include surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists.

Colorectal Cancer Board

Taipei Cancer Center is home to many of the leading physicians specializing in the treatment of colorectal cancer. These include surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists.

At many hospitals, doctors treat several different types of cancer. At the Taipei Cancer Center, doctors focus on specific types of cancer, working together in multidisciplinary teams to create coordinated treatment plans personalized to each patient.

Care starts with precise and accurate diagnostics that allow us to identify and stage the specific type and subtype of each patient’s cancer. This lets care teams pinpoint the most effective therapies for each patient. Treatment plans may incorporate radiation therapy, including proton therapy; and cancer drugs such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Surgery is also a key part of colorectal cancer care. The colorectal surgeons of Taipei cancer center perform many operations every year, and routinely use minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Minimally invasive treatment modalities range from extremely minimally invasive colonoscopic submucosal tumor resection for early colorectal mucinous lesions to more precise Da Vinci robotic surgery for difficult areas such as low colorectal cancer, so that patients recover better and faster.

Along with this top-class treatment, genetic testing and counseling is also offered for people with a family history of cancer. This helps patients and their families understand their cancer risks designed to catch disease in its earliest stages and in some cases to guide the chemotherapeutic treatment.

Yan-Jiun Huang. Chief of colorectal surgery

Colorectal Surgery:

  • Clinical position: Chief of Colorectal surgery
  • Administrative (highest title) :Colorectal Cancer Team Convenor
  • Faculty: Associate Professor


Area of focus: Laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection with anus preservation,Hemorrhoids, anal canals, anal fissures,Scarless colonoscopic colorectal endosubmucosal dissection,Rectal Cancer Surgery with Da Vinci Robotic Arm,Painless colonoscopy

  • 2023.08- Convener of Colorectal Cancer Team, Taipei Medical University •2022.10- Convener of Colorectal Cancer Team, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • 2021.08- Chief of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • 2021.08- Associate Professor of Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
  • 2018.02-2021.07 Assistant Professor of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
  • Bachelor of Medicine, National Taiwan University
  • Academia Sinica/Taipei Medical University Doctor of Translational Medicine Degree, the PhD program for translational medicine

Division of Colorectal Surgery

Vice Superintendent Po-Li Wei, MD PhD

  • Vice President of Medical Affairs, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Director of the Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Attending Physician, General Surgery, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Professor of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
  • Chairman of Taiwan Association for Endoscopic Surgery
  • Director of Taiwan Society of Robotic Surgery


Robotic colorectal surgery,Laparoscopic surgery,Colorectal cancer

  • Attending Doctor, General Surgery, En-Chu-Kong Hospital
  • Chief, Colorectal Division, En-Chu-Kong Hospital
  • Chief, General Surgery, En-Chu-Kong Hospital
  • Chief, Colorectal Division, Min-Sheng Hospital
  • Attending Doctor, General Surgery, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Chief, Division of General Surgery, Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, TMU Hospital
  • Chairman, Department of Quality Management, TMU Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
  • M.D. Medical college, National Taiwan University
  • PhD. Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University

Chien-hsin Chen, M.D

  • Chief, Division of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Medical University Wan-Fang Hospital


single port laparoscopic surgery for colo-rectal cancer,Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) for Rectal cancer,Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision(CME) for colon cancer,Laparoscopic anterior resection with inferior mesentary artery(IMA) lymph node dissection and preservation of left colic artery (IMA high dissection + low ligation)

  • Surgical Resident, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veteran General Hospital
  • Chief resident, Department of colorectal surgery, Taipei Veteran General Hospital
  • Attending staff, Department of surgery, Taipei Medical University Wan-Fang Hospital
  • Attending staff, Division of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery , Taipei Medical University Wan-Fang Hospital
  • Chief, Division of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Medical University Wan-Fang Hospital
  • M.D., Department of Medicine, Taipei Yang-Ming medical University


  • 尚無翻譯



  • 尚無翻譯
  • 尚無翻譯

Hematology and Oncology

Yao-Yu Hsieh , M.D.

  • 2010/09-Attending Physician of Shuang-ho Hospital, Department of internal medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology
  • 2020/08- Chief of Hemato-Oncology division
  • 2019-08- Assistant Professor, Taipei Medical University


Gastrointestinal tract cancer treatment,Cancer clinical trial,Precision medicine in cancer treatment

  • 2012/02-2019/07, Lecturer, Taipei Medical University,
  • 2017/09-2019/08 Vice Secretary General of Taiwan Oncology Society
  • 1997-2004 National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, M.D.
  • 2011-2017 Ph.D degree The Ph.D. Program for Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery, College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University and Academia Sinica

Radiation Oncology

Chief, HsingLung Chao

  • WanFang H, Radiation Oncology, Attending physician


Brachytherapy,hyperthermia,Radiotherapy in lung cancer,breast cancer,gynecological cancer & gentourological cancer

  • UCLA, Radiation Oncology, visiting scholar
  • Long Beach Memorial Medical Certer,Radiation Oncology
  • Seattle Prostate Institute
  • Tri-Service General Hospital, CyberKnife Center, Radiation Oncology
  • Taiwan Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
  • National Defence Medical Center