Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Cancer Board
Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Cancer Board
腦腫瘤團隊利用三間附屬醫院的複合式手術室(Hybrid OR),執行複雜的血管性病灶處理,並且利用最先進的顯微鏡,搭配術中導航設備,精準且有效的達成優異的病灶切除率,並且有效的降低出血機率,讓病人擁有較佳的恢復機會及治療成功率,尤其是顱底腫瘤,病灶在腦部的深處,接近病灶附近的神經血管猶如橘子中的纖維,而腫瘤就像是橘子果肉,要在不破壞橘子纖維的情況之下把橘子果肉全部取出,靠的是對解剖構造熟悉之外,最佳的影像系統及術中導航搭配術中神經監測系統帶來如虎添翼的效果,則切除率及成功率自然可期。
除了複雜顱底腫瘤的高切除率及低出血外,本團隊也致力發展微創開顱手術,在2018年引進ROSA機器手臂導航系統,為全世界第二台、全亞洲第一台的腦部手術機器人,有極佳的精準率及自動多點導航的特性,在針對病灶進行多點切片時可輕鬆更改路徑及深度,提升切片準確性及完整性,進而給予病患正確的診斷及治療。 本團隊也提供加馬刀立體定位放射手術治療顱內良性及惡行腫瘤,此類治療無須開顱,而是利用加碼放射線給予病灶精準的治療,在良性聽神經瘤的控制率達98%,與美國相當並高於其他國家,治療後顏面神經功能保留也高達99.6%,亦高於國際。惡性轉移性腦瘤經放射腫瘤科醫師及加馬刀團隊評估後需進行治療,治療效果也優於全腦放射治療。在111年加馬刀團隊以「精準醫療:加馬刀放射手術治療腦內腫瘤及血管病變」獲得SNQ國家品質標章。

Yukai Su., M. D.
1. Visiting Staff, Department of Neurosurgery, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, 2010~ Present
2. Director of Brain Tumor and Brain Endoscopy Department of Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Neuroscience Institute, Taipei Medical University, 2019~ Present
3. Chief of Neurosurgery Department, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, 2022~Present
• Minimally invasive surgery for removal of pituitary tumor in the endoscope
• Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery
• Meningioma, brain metastasis, glioma surgery
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery
• Spine-cervical lumbar minimally invasive surgery
• Hydrocephalus surgery
• Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Skull Base Surgery
• ROSA Assisted Minimally Invasive Brain and Spine Surgery
• Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Fluent in English and Mandarin

Tai-Tong Wong, MD
- Attending Physician, Dep. of Neurosurgery, TMUH
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, TMU
Pediatric neurosurgery,Pediatric brain and spinal tumors,Epilepsy surgery in children,Hydrocephalus, intracranial cyst, and endoscopic intraventricular surgery,Craniosynostosis and craniofacial dysmorphism,Cerebral vascular disease in children,Moyamoya disease and vascular reconstructive surgery,Spina bifida and tethered cord release,Craniocervical junction abnormalities and surgical treatment,Traumatic brain injury in children and shaking baby syndrome management

Chung-Che Wu, Deputy Director
- Deputy Director, Department of Neurology, TMUH
- Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, TMU
Neck and back pain management,Sciatica,Traumatic brain injury,Degenerative neurological disease,Brain tumors,Cerebrovascular surgery,Neurological intensive care

I-Chang Su, M.D.
- Attending Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Shuang Ho Hospital
- Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
Cerebrovascular diseases,Hemorrhagic stroke,Ischemic stroke,Interventional neuroradiology,Neurocritical care,Neurovascular anatomy and physiology

Yu-kai Su, Director
Director, Department of Neurosurgery, Shuang Ho Hospital
Minimally invasive surgery for removal of pituitary tumor in the endoscope,Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery,Meningioma, brain metastasis, glioma surgery,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery,Spine-cervical lumbar minimally invasive surgery

Yen-Lin Liu, Director
- Director of Department of Pediatric, TMUH
- Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Medicine, TMU
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology,Pediatric Brain Tumors,Childhood cancer & neoplasms,Blood disorders in children,General Pediatrics
Hematology and Oncology

Jia-Ruey Tsai, M.D.
Attending physician, Division of Hematology & Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, TMUH
Critical care nephrology,Solid tumor /tumor emergency,Lymphoma,Acute and chronic leukemia,Multiple myeloma

Hui-Wen Liu, M.D.
Attending Physician,, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Shuang Ho Hospital
Head and neck cancer, gastrointestinal cancer,Breast cancer, lung cancer, urological cancer,Lymphoma, multiple myeloma,cancer chemotherapy,Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy
Radiation Oncology

Jo-Ting Tsai, M.D.
- Attending Physician, Department of Radiation Oncology,Shuang Ho Hospital
Cancer radiation therapy,Comprehensive cancer treatment,Stereotactic radiosurgery,Tomotherapy,Gamma radiosurgery,CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery,Palliative hospice care,Cancer pain control treatment
Medical Imaging

Sho-Jen Cheng, Acting Director
Acting Director, Department of Medical Imaging, TMUH
Diagnostic radiology,Interventional neuroradiology

Yueh-Hsun Lu, M.D.
Director, Department of Radiology, Shuang Ho Hospital
Diagnostic Imaging (Conventional radiography、Special procedures、Computed Tomography、Magnetic Resonance Imaging、Angiography),Interventional Radiology (Including Interventional Neuroradiology),Neuroradiology,Artificial Intelligence Research

Man-Hsu Huang, M.D.
Attending Physician, Department of Pathology, Shuang Ho Hospital
Neuropathology Breast pathology